Verification of Beliefs

1 Timothy 4:16 Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.

To become a "registered user" (which is only required for some gatherings), you must verify you hold to certain beliefs. This ensures certain gatherings are more protected and run smoothly to decrease stress on us on Sabbath and other Set-Apart days for some gatherings (not all).
This page may or may not change from time to time.
Last Updated: 2021-02-09

Curious why we implemented this page or what belief #8 below is all about? Click here for more information.


1) All of the following 66 books from Genesis to Revelation, including the book of Hebrews, and including what are commonly called "Paul's Epistles", are inspired by the Spirit of our Creator.

  1. Genesis
  2. Exodus
  3. Leviticus
  4. Numbers
  5. Deuteronomy
  6. Joshua
  7. Judges
  8. Ruth
  9. 1 Samuel
  10. 2 Samuel
  11. 1 Kings
  12. 2 Kings
  13. 1 Chronicles
  14. 2 Chronicles
  15. Ezra
  16. Nehemiah
  17. Esther
  18. Job
  19. Psalms
  20. Proverbs
  21. Ecclesiastes
  22. Song of Songs
  23. Isaiah
  24. Jeremiah
  25. Lamentations
  26. Ezekiel
  27. Daniel
  28. Hosea
  29. Joel
  30. Amos
  31. Obadiah
  32. Jonah
  33. Micah
  34. Nahum
  35. Habakkuk
  36. Zephaniah
  37. Haggai
  38. Zechariah
  39. Malachi
  40. Matthew
  41. Mark
  42. Luke
  43. John
  44. Acts
  45. Romans
  46. 1 Corinthians
  47. 2 Corinthians
  48. Galatians
  49. Ephesians
  50. Philippians
  51. Colossians
  52. 1 Thessalonians
  53. 2 Thessalonians
  54. 1 Timothy
  55. 2 Timothy
  56. Titus
  57. Philemon
  58. Hebrews
  59. James
  60. 1 Peter
  61. 2 Peter
  62. 1 John
  63. 2 John
  64. 3 John
  65. Jude
  66. Revelation

2) We should not promote any other books outside of the above 66 because we don't have enough information to discern other books, there's no way to verify the manuscripts of other books found are actually representing the originals correctly, there's no easy way to research if the English translations of other books are accurate since they lack Strong's numbers, and some of the doctrines people teach online related to other books contradict the above 66 books or simply don't make any sense when considering what the above 66 show us. All of these factors lead us to believe at this time we should not promote any other books except the above 66. There are "lost books", but there's no way to know if what has been found is representing the original, they might not be translated accurately, and we need to be careful what we consider to be "inspired Scriptures". We don't want to act prematurely without Yahweh's clear leading. We do not have Yahweh's clear leading in this matter so we should stick with just the 66 books above which we know are inspired Scriptures.

3) Yahushua is The Anointed (HaMashiach/Messiah), the Son of the Living Elohiym (the Son of our Creator), who came and died and laid in the tomb and was raised the third day (Matthew 16:16, Matthew 16:21). Yahushua is Adon (Boss) and all power and authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him (Matthew 28:18).

4) Yahushua was born of a miraculous virgin birth. (Matthew 1:18)

5) Yahushua never sinned once in His entire existence, even from the womb onwards throughout His entire childhood and life, and forevermore remains sinless and spotless. (Isaiah 53, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 7:26, 1 Peter 2:22-24, 1 John 3:5)

6) We acknowledge Sha'ul, Paulus (commonly known as "Paul"), as an Apostle (Acts 14:14), hand-selected by Yahushua Himself (Acts 9:15), and that Paulus even prophesied of the future as well which might mean he's also considered a prophet (and is listed with Prophets in Acts 13:1). We believe his writings should be treated with the proper weight and authority. We disagree with any teachings that try to minimize his writings in some way.

7) We believe that women should not have authority over men, especially in an assembly, and that women should not teach men in an assembly, and therefore on set-apart (Holy) days, during times specifically designated as times for Scripture reading and discussion (at a bare minimum), we believe only men should be permitted to read Scriptures or speak or teach during that specific time of the set-apart gatherings on set-apart days (1 Corinthians 14:34-14:35, 1 Timothy 2:11-2:15). Situations such as Devorah in Judges 4 (or any others which are similar) are unique situations. Even considering those situations which occurred, the general outline in Scriptures is for men to take the lead, not women, and women should respect Paulus' writings on this. Even Devorah herself wanted men to take the lead instead of her, which shows that Yahweh's true desire is for men to take the lead, not women.

8) Doctrines that generalize about all Christians or people who still use the name Jesus in a way that imply none of them have been forgiven of their sins are false doctrines. We recognize that Yahweh can have mercy upon whomever He chooses, including Christians who still use the name Jesus.

9) The terms "Mashiach", "Messiah", "Christos", and "Christ" all mean the same thing in English: "Anointed". The term "Messianic", "Messianite", and "Christian" all mean the same thing: "One who is of Anointed" or "a follower of The Anointed", or something similar. The word "Christian" originates from the Bible and refers to disciples of Yahushua the Anointed. All believers in Yahushua are Christians (just like all believers are Messianics, since it means the same thing). However, true, "Biblical Christianity" has nothing to do with paganism. All Christians should seek to worship in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23-24), not learn the way of the heathen (Jeremiah 10:2), and flee idolatry (1 Corinthians 10:14). Christians should not take part in pagan practices such as the Christmas tree, etc.. Believers should not reject the word "Christian" because it is part of the Scriptures from the word "Christianos". All we need to do is explain to others that pagan things are not part of true, "Biblical Christianity" and that the Bible is the only authority for defining Christianity and showing us what it really means to be a "Christian". When believers try to distance themselves from the word "Christian" and the word "Christianity", sometimes that can result in people taking on a judgmental mindset which isn't good. Our goal is to help others grow in their walk, and we think this is the best approach to accomplish that.

10) Children of our Creator Yahweh, who are also known as the Disciples of Yahushua or followers of The Way, do not obtain our righteousness nor are we declared right by our own works. We are declared right by our belief. Therefore, we are not under any curses. We are blessed. (Galatians 3)

11) It is a sin to break any of Yahweh's laws (1 John 3:4).

12) The Holocaust really did happen during World War II. All doctrines linked to denials of the Holocaust are false doctrines.

13) Believers should obey the laws of the land and respect governing authorities (including Presidents, Vice Presidents, Congress/Parliament, Governors, Mayors, Judges, Investigators, Police, Firefighters, Military, etc.). Laws, policies, regulations, and ordinances of governments should be followed unless doing so would cause a believer to violate Yahweh’s laws (Romans 13:1-7) or a person's conscience (1 Peter 3:21). Believers should never speak bad about those in authority - instead - we should pray for them (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

14) If one believer has a past history with alcohol problems and is seeking to stay sober, other believers should be considerate by not openly, knowingly, bringing alcohol around that believer. This is part of loving our neighbor as ourself. If a believer makes it known that they are avoiding alcohol due to past problems, other believers should respect that and keep any alcohol they possess a private matter to avoid causing stumbling or offense (Romans 14:21, 1 Corinthians 8:13). Believers should never be pressured by others to be around alcohol or to drink alcohol, and those who are comfortable being around alcohol should be considerate and sensitive to those who want to avoid it completely. This is part of loving our neighbor as ourself.

15) Regardless of any events that have happened at any time in the past in history, men of today should never promote any doctrine that would influence other men to marry a woman who is under the age of 20. Men should never promote any doctrine that could lead a young woman to make an irresponsible decision in her youth. Due to all the problems in society today, it is even more important than ever for women to first be fully, completely, mature adults before making any decisions to enter into a marriage covenant, because marriage is a lifelong decision that should not be taken lightly or rushed into. People who are young can make bad decisions if they rush, and men should always promote a more cautious route for youth to follow. We choose the age of 20 as the Biblical age of an adult for both men and women based on Leviticus 27:3-4 and Numbers 1:3. Youth need to make responsible decisions, not emotional decisions. This is part of loving our neighbor as ourself.

16) The "Lunar Sabbath" doctrines are not correct and are easily disproven by Numbers 10:11 and Numbers 10:33 which show a three-day journey taking place on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd of a month, which disproves all "Lunar Sabbath" doctrines.

You have four (4) options related to this Verification of Beliefs page

Option #1 - I Verify I Hold All of The Above Beliefs


Option #2 - I am new to the Bible and do not understand what all the above belief statements mean. I am still learning the basics. I will act respectfully, not cause any problems, and not attempt to teach others. I am just here to learn.
Note: If you are new to the Bible and don't understand what the belief statements listed on this page mean yet because you're still learning the Bible, you are also welcome to join gatherings until you learn enough to understand and decide what you believe.


Option #3 - I am NOT new to the Bible, but I am still unsure about some of the above beliefs. I want to join the Live Online Gatherings to learn more because I am considering that the beliefs you have listed on this page may be correct, but I'm just not sure yet. I will act respectfully, not cause any problems, and not attempt to teach others. I am just here to learn. I also agree to ask any questions due to my uncertainty to a host in private chat instead of the main chat room.
Note: This third option is intended for people still searching for answers. For example, if someone was Catholic but they are starting to think that maybe what we're teaching on this website about the need to keep the laws is correct, they could join our gatherings to learn more about why we believe followers of Christ should keep the law even if they aren't fully sure yet that we should keep the law. This third option is intended for people who are very familiar with the Bible already, but are seeking more truth insofar as what the Bible actually teaches and therefore they may be in a transition time of their life. In that situation, they could learn more to help them in their search at the Live Online Gatherings. This is, of course, assuming they are agreeing to not teach others in the gathering against the beliefs listed on this page. If someone joined a gathering, for example, and started teaching that the law is abolished and we shouldn't keep it, we would talk with them to explain why that's not true and, if they persisted to teach that doctrine, then we might be left with no choice but to remove them for violating these terms.


Option #4 - I verify I hold all of the above beliefs, except for the statement that says, "we are not under any curses". We view this issue of curses differently, but I AGREE with all the other beliefs. I want to join in the gatherings, so I agree to not teach others we are under any curses or make comments that will influence others to think we are under any curses.
Note: Some believers view only this one statement made about curses differently. For those believers, you can join as long as you aren't teaching others about this topic or trying to influence others to believe your view on this topic. We view the fact that we're not under any curses to be part of the true "Good News" and therefore to us it is a very serious thing for someone to teach we are still under a curse of any kind.